I know religion can be a touchy subject for some people so let's keep this short and sweet. Conversation starters:
- Can you name 5 religions?
- Did you grow up with a faith? Do you have one now?
- What made you start/drop your religion?
- Where is your place of worship? Same town where you live?
- How often do you go worship?
- What can you teach me about your faith?
Religion Vocabulary:
Atheism, Baptist, Buddhist, Catholic, Christian, Gnostic, Hinduism, Islam, Jehovah Witness, Jewish, Lutheran, Methodist, Mormon, Muslim, Orthodox, Pentecostal, Presbyterian, Protestant
Faith Vocabulary:
Bible, Belief, Believer, Bless, Celebrate, Ceremony, Choir, Church, Community, Compassion, Convert, Congregation, Cross, Dedication, Deity, Denomination, Devote, Disciple, Doctrine, Enlightenment, Faith, Faithful, Family, Fasting, Forgiven, Fundamental, Gentile, Glory, God, Gospel, Grace, Guidance, Guilt, Guru, Harmony, Heal, Hebrew, Holy, Humble, Humility, Idol, Influence, Instruction, Jesus, Joy, Judgement, Karma, Kingdom, Kneel, Latin, Lead, Life, Light, Love, Loyalty, Mantra, Mediate, Mercy, Messiah, Miracle, Mission, Mosque, Mystical, Nonbeliever, Observance, Official, Order, Pagan, Participate, Pastor, Peace, Personal, Pilgrim, Pilgrimage, Practice, Pray, Preach, Priest, Promise, Prophet, Protection, Purpose, Quest, Quran, Radical, Redemption, Reflection, Relationship, Religion, Revelation, Righteous, Rites, Ritual, Sacred, Saint, Salvation, Savior, Scripture, Sect, Secular, Serve, Service, Sharia, Shrine, Sin, Soul, Spirit, Statute, Supernatural, Supreme, Synagogue, Tabernacle, Talmud, Teachings, Temple, Text, Theology, Torah, Traditional, Tribute, Trust, Understanding, Universal, Value, Vigil, Vows, Wisdom, Witness, Worship, Zealot