There are so many pieces of clothes to sign, to describe, and to chat about. Here are some ideas:
* Sit in a public area (cafeteria, bench outside, or even in your classroom) and play "I Spy" and describe a person's outfit only and see who can guess it. Don't forget details like color, decorations (spots, plaid, flowery), size (tight, loose) and so on. Make it challenging and describe the whole outfit before the others are allowed to look around.
Have a conversation asking each other:
- What's your favorite outfit? Describe it.
- What's the most expensive piece of clothing you own?
- Do you still wear the same type of clothes you did 10 years ago?
- When's the last time you "dressed up" formal? Why?
- What do you think of kids clothing today?
- What's your favorite clothes store?
- Did your parents make you wear something you hated?
- What color you refuse to wear? Why?
- If you could only wear one outfit, what would it be?
- Do you prefer to dress up or be comfortable?
- What piece of clothing do you regret buying?
- Do you do your own laundry or do you drop it off somewhere?
* Find pictures of outfits in magazines or online, describe them to your partner to draw and then compare how close the drawing is to the actual picture. Switch places and do it again. This will help both expressive and receptive practice.
Backpack, Bag, Bathing Suit, Belt, Boots, Bracelet, Briefcase, Coat, Contact Lenses, Dress, Earrings, Glasses, Gloves, Hat, Hoodie, Jeans, Jewelry, Mittens, Necklace, Pajamas, Pants, Purse, Ring, Sandals, Scarf, Shorts, Skirt, Suitcase, Sweatpants, Sweatshirt, Shirt, Shoes, Skirt, Slippers, Socks, Sweater, T-shirt, Tie, Underwear, Watch.
Clothing Descriptions:
Buttons, Casual, Clean, Close-fitting, Collar, Colored, Comfortable, Dirty, Flowery, Formal, Full-length, Heavy, Hooded, Light, Long, Loose, Multicolored, New, Old, Plaid, Plain, Ripped, Rolled-up (sleeves), Sleeveless, Spaghetti straps, Spots, Stained, Strapless, Stripes, Tied, Tight, Zippered.