There have been many reasons people have given for learning ASL:
Friend/Relative is Deaf
Want to learn for work
Fulfilling a “second language” requirement for school
It’s a cool language
Besides being a “cool language”, there’s many benefits to learning ASL.
Improves Brain Functioning
Scientists have proven that learning and knowing a second language actually makes you smarter! You’ll have better memory and improve at multitasking and decision-making. It’s also been proven that it staves off Alzheimer’s and dementia, so why not learn ASL and enjoy our golden years later on too.
You’re More Aware
As you learn this visual language, you’ll notice your surroundings more. You’ll notice people waving or gesturing thinking someone’s signing. Your peripheral vision becomes heightened, which helps in driving, spotting trouble, and just enjoying the view.
Helps in Your Career
Knowing a second (or more) language doesn’t just look good on a resume, it will help with any potential Deaf people you come across. Whether you’re a waitress, doctor, or sales clerk – knowing ASL will boon your business’s reputation among the Deaf community. Deaf people will usually tell other Deaf people when they’ve met someone who knows ASL. “Met person at Lowe’s knows ASL”.
Helps While Travelling
Whether you travel for work or pleasure, sometimes communicating with foreign speakers can get frustrating. Knowing ASL helps with visual expressions, iconic gesturing, and reading body language. So instead of yelling louder and slower (as is the habit), you can gesture and mime eating off a plate and do the “WHAT” sign with your shoulders raised.
The Obvious Benefit